Jack & Brian

  • Jack and Brian buying flowers from the market
  • Our all-season room
    is one of many cozy rooms in our home
  • Our garden, a portion of the big backyard
  • Enjoying coffee and breakfast in our kitchen
  • Jack and Brian with Nimbus and S’more
  • On a backpacking trip in Utah
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Hi! We are Jack and Brian.

We are so grateful for the opportunity to be considered by you as you make your loving choice. We are excited to start our family, and we want to give your child the abundance of love and blessings that we have in our life.

About Us:

We have been together for over 10 years. When we first met, we connected on our love for the outdoors (hiking, camping, kayaking in reservoirs and rivers), traveling, fitness, and trying new foods. We both have big families with lots of siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and little nieces and nephews (tons of babysitting nights under our belts!)

Our siblings live all across America in six different states and we love to visit them and their families whenever we can. We go on annual vacations to each other’s homes, or to Mexico and Florida, striving to all be together at least once a year outside of the holidays. We can’t wait for a child to join us on these family trips and vacations. Since our families are so spread out, it’s extra special when we all get together in one spot. We work to live; not live to work; throughout the year we are looking forward to these family gatherings and vacations, the true joys of life.

We want to help our child develop a sense of curiosity about the world. We want to inspire our children to go after their passions and what makes them find joy in life. For us, we find joy and comfort in gardening, cooking, taking walks around the block, exercising, working on personal writing projects. Our garden has become a passion project for Brian, who grows flowers by seed each years. We love to watch how the garden grows, expands, and evolves each year. Instilling that sense of wonder and curiosity in our children is what we look forward to.


Brian is loving, affectionate, and conscientious. Since shortly after we met we have been discussing adoption. Brian will have the baby's best interest in mind and heart at all times and I know he will be a caring and devoted father. Brian's delicate and focused touch when it comes to gardening, his work and other projects will extend perfectly into loving care for a child. I love being with Brian every day, and can’t wait for our family to grow with a child joining us in our daily and weekly routines.


Jack will be an excellent father. He is very loving and selfless. He has fond childhood memories and wants to recreate and pass on his favorite traditions like family trips, holiday gatherings, games, recipes, and more. He pursues self-improvement and personal growth through physical exercise like weightlifting and swimming; casual learning of science and history; and creative writing. He is ambitious and hard-working so I know his example will set our children on a successful path to adulthood.


Our home is in the suburbs of Central New Jersey, in a safe, quiet neighborhood. We live within walking distance to the town library and public parks. Our town's public school district is highly rated. Our neighborhood has great playgrounds and sport fields that are safe to walk to with a baby stroller. We also live near popular hiking trails. We love to hike, and can’t wait to have a baby on our back when we return to our favorite trails.

Our cozy single-family home is the perfect size for us to start a family. We have three bedrooms and we are converting one into the nursery. We have plenty of space to play and run around in our fenced-in backyard. From March to October our garden is filled with flowers and wildlife like songbirds, rabbits, and butterflies. During summer nights we can hear frogs from nearby creeks and chase fireflies. We like to have bonfires in the backyard during the summertime too. We have four cats (Nimbus, S’more, Reggie, and Willow) who we spend a lot of time with. We feel so blessed to have such a safe and beautiful place for us to raise a family, provide opportunities for our children and create fun memories.

Our Message to You

We know your decision is an incredibly difficult one to make, and we send you all of our love. Thank you for envisioning a healthy and abundant life for your child. We are so grateful that you took the time to consider us as an option. We know that we can provide a safe, loving home to your child and provide them endless opportunities to learn, explore, play, travel, and spend time with loved ones.

With Love,

Brian and Jack

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A Loving Choice Adoption Associates is an adoption agency located in Monmouth County NJ and serves all of New Jersey.
