Adoptive Parents’ Rights in Adoption
Making an adoption plan is an intricate process and our goal at A Loving Choice Adoption Associates is to enable the adoptive family to take an active part in making the decisions which so impact their family. As an adoptive parent at A Loving choice Adoption Associates, you have rights of which you need to be aware, and we support those rights from application through finalization.
You have the right to privacy
A Loving Choice Adoption Associates will not provide information about you or your adoption plan to those outside the agency without your consent.
You have the right to state your preferences for your adopted child
This includes gender, age, racial background, genetic history, etc. A Loving Choice Adoption Associates may encourage prospective parents to broaden their expectations through education and counseling and may present situations beyond those stated preferences should the agency consider parents to be well-suited to that placement.
You have the right to state your preferences regarding the level of openness in your relationship with a birth parent
A Loving Choice Adoption Associates is an agency which promotes and practices open adoption. You may, however, opt for a full-disclosure, semi-open or closed adoption plan.
You have the right to review de-identified information on perspective birth parents prior to making a commitment
Before pursuing a particular adoption plan, you should have information on its merits and/or risks and an estimate of the expected costs associated with the specific plan
You have the right to withdraw from any adoption plan
Should you determine that an adoption plan is not right for you, notify the agency immediately and the placement pursuit may be discontinued. After placement, adoptive parents may voluntarily request that a child be removed from the home prior to finalization should they determine that continuing the placement is not in the best interests of the family.
You have the right to know your funds are being handled appropriately
A Loving Choice Adoption Associates will provide a periodic accounting of all funds being held in escrow.
You have the right to review all medical information prior to accepting placement
A Loving Choice Adoption Associates will release any medical history information provided by the birth parents, any prenatal records from the birthmother’s obstetrician, and any hospital records in connection with the labor, delivery and nursery stay.
You have the right to know what steps the agency is taking to address the legal rights of the alleged birth father
Furthermore, you have the right to accept or decline a legal risk placement.
You have the right to seek independent counsel
You may discuss with an attorney of your choice and at your expense any legal concerns pertaining to the adoptive placement, including state law and regulations, legal risks, and severance of parental rights and to seek a legal assessment of the situation.
You have the right to appeal A Loving Choice Adoption Associates’ actions and decisions
You may do so by filing a written request with the Executive Director. A subsequent appeal may be made by submitting a request for consideration by the agency Board of Directors. Further, you have a right to a printed copy of Client Rights and Agency Responsibilities addressing your right to report alleged violation of any requirements of the Manual of Requirements for Adoption Agencies to the Bureau of Licensing.