Home Study Services
The pre-placement home study is an integral part of the adoption process. Whether clients are seeking an agency domestic placement, private placement, international or interstate placement, a home study conducted by a New Jersey licensed agency is required. The purpose of the home study is to ensure that a child will be placed in a stable loving home, as well as to provide adoptive families an opportunity to discuss and explore issues of adoption and to prepare for parenting the adopted child. The home study process is not only a time of information gathering, but also a time of sharing and learning. A Loving Choice Adoption Associates’ staff is experienced in the home study process and will work to ensure that the home study is a positive learning experience.
Agency, private, international and interstate adoptions require supervision by a state licensed agency. Post-placement supervision is the period of time after the child arrives in the home until such time as the adoption is finalized. This service includes visits to the home in order to assess growth and development of the child and the family’s adjustment. It is also a time to share joy, answer questions and address concerns regarding adoption experiences and expectations of parenthood. A Loving Choice Adoption Associates can provide any post-placement services required by outside placement sources as well as placement investigations as ordered by the court system. Our staff will provide the assistance and support necessary to promote the success of the placement.
While A Loving Choice Adoption Associates is a domestic placing agency, it maintains successful partnerships with Hague accredited organizations and can provide home study services and post placement supervisions for international adoptions.
Call or email A Loving Choice to request a home study packet.