Jennifer, Mackenzie, & Noah

  • Jennifer, Mackenzie & Noah on the beach
  • Mackenzie, Noah & Jennifer at Disney World
  • Noah, his parents & godparents at his baptism
  • Jennifer & Mackenzie with Nana
  • Mackenzie’s family
  • Jennifer & Mackenzie at MetLife Stadium
  • Jennifer and Mackenzie at Disney
  • Mackenzie, Jennifer & Noah at Disney
  • Reading a book at Noah’s kindergarten class
  • Noah & Jennifer at the apple orchard
  • Jennifer, Mackenzie & Noah at the beach
  • Our dog Molly sleeping on Jennifer
  • Jennifer and Mackenzie
  • Noah and Mackenzie at a hotel
  • Our home
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Hello and thank you for taking the time to learn about us, and hopefully, letting us be a part of the adoption plan for your baby. We are Mackenzie, Jennifer, and Noah and are so grateful that you are here and learning more about us. We recognize your courage and strength as you navigate this decision. We want you to know about us and the home we can provide. To grow our family through adoption with you would be a blessing, just like Noah blessed us by joining our family a few years ago.

About Us:

Like many couples today, we met online, have been together since 2007 and married since 2012. Truly we are each other’s best friends and enjoy traveling and the outdoors just as much as a night relaxing at home. After connecting online and talking on the phone, we met for our first date in the city. We love to reminisce and laugh recalling our first few years dating as they truly established the foundation for our relationship. Mackenzie proposed on Christmas Day and a short time later we were married in a beautiful chapel by the beach, surrounded by our friends and family.

Deciding to go back to school after we were already a couple, we both successfully achieved our master’s degrees from Monmouth University with much dedication and hard work. We were able to advance our careers, with Mackenzie currently developing IT systems for a major hospital chain, while Jennifer practices medicine as a nurse practitioner. We work hard to make sure we have the stability and comfort our family needs and are happy to have our careers.

For recreation, we love spending time at the beach, reading, gardening, going to football games, riding bikes, and generally spending time outdoors. Travelling is a big part of our lives as we often go to Disney World or stay in our family’s house on Cape Cod for a week or two during the summer. Our home is also very welcoming, where we can be found with a good book, listening to music, or hanging out in our backyard. Mackenzie loves cooking and grilling tasty food, and Jennifer loves art, often painting or coloring and working on a project.

We also have a Boston Terrier named Molly who makes us laugh everyday with her bubbly personality. She loves to go on walks and snuggle on the couch.

Our son Noah joined us in 2018 and is a happy, healthy boy. He has lots of friends and extended family he loves to play with and very much enjoys going to school. We read to him every day; and Noah loves to play with cars and trucks, Legos, playing sports outside, or just being silly.

Our Friends and Family:

We are blessed with loving families and a large network of friends. Mackenzie’s parents have been together for 44 years, and he has a younger brother who loves being Noah’s uncle. Jennifer was raised by her devoted mother and father. Her mother lives nearby and loves to spend time with Noah whenever she can and go to his baseball games. Our combined families will vacation together, get together for holidays, and are so happy that our families have blended so well. Christmas is our favorite as we all gather for a big meal and to exchange gifts—a wonderful tradition for us that we would love to expand even further with your child.

Both Mackenzie and Jennifer have many friends, many of whom have children that we are blessed to be a part of their lives just like they get to be a part of Noah’s life. We have block parties with our friends and neighbors on our street where everyone can hang out and the children on our street can all play. We often have parties with our friends or go to football games together. It’s always fun to see them and share our lives.

Everyone we know will be happy and welcoming to a new addition to our family and are happy to join us on this journey to expand our family through adoption.

Our Home and Community

We live in a two-story home on a quiet residential street in a town near the shore. It is close to the beach, and we love to spend time there during the beautiful summers here. There are many parks and safe places for children to go with the streets often being full of children riding their bikes. The schools here are excellent where Noah is learning and growing every day.

We fell in love with our house and moved in 2015 as we knew it would be a great place to start a family. We have a nursery waiting for your child which will become their own bedroom as they grow up. Our backyard has a swing set to play on, and there are often children playing outside in the neighborhood. Our neighbors help make this street a wonderful and welcoming place to call home and are always available to help.

Our Message to You

We were raised with parents who gave us love, affection, laughter, security, as well as room to learn and grow. Our promise is that we will provide the same environment and opportunity to your child. As parents, we believe in having open and honest conversations with a child about adoption from an early age. We are all very excited to grow our family through adoption and honored you took the time to learn about us. We would welcome with unconditional love your child and give them everything we can as they grow. Thank you again; and, if you select us, we are excited to meet you and begin this journey together.

Mackenzie, Jennifer and Noah

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A Loving Choice Adoption Associates is an adoption agency located in Monmouth County NJ and serves all of New Jersey.
